Saturday, November 12, 2011

Veteran's Day Memorial Ceremony

by Allison Jones

The sky was mostly clear and the air chilly as people, including children from Adams Elementary School, gathered at the memorial in Smith Park to commemorate the nation's war veterans. All branches of the armed services were honored and the service hymns played by the Madison High School band. Though the Navy hymn is not in fact Anchors Away, but Eternal Father, Strong to Save. Each branch, except the Coast Guard, was represented by veterans present.

The BYU-I ROTC and the Rexburg Police Department cooperated to accompany each of the people laying the eleven wreathes placed in honor of our veterans. Each group in their dress uniforms and seeming to take their duties seriously. The school children seemed most impressed by the flyover of three single prop plains from the Legacy Flight Museum.

Judge Greg Moeller offered remarks on the sacrifice our military personnel make for the rest of our country's citizens and our duty to make use of that sacrifice by becoming contributing members of society and using the freedoms we have been granted, such as voting in elections. Captain Aaron Jarnagin's keynote address focused on supporting our active troops and veterans and helping in our communities. These messages seemed timely as our current society does not hold our military in the esteem they held in former years as well as the common lack of participation in civic activities.

The rifle salute was provided by our local VFW Post and followed by a cannon salute from B Battery 1-148 FABN. This is done to honor those killed in action. The cannon was loud enough that all of Rexburg should have heard it. The park's squirrels certainly did and proceeded to flee the area.

The Madison Fire District Pipe and Drum Brigade favored us with a stirring rendition of Amazing Grace while in full regalia. The bagpipe is a very difficult instrument to master and it is impressive that we have four talented pipers here in Rexburg. One of my neighbors has been learning so that he can participate and it takes many hours of practice to become proficient. Luckily I am fond of bagpipes.

After the benediction the audience was encouraged to peruse the war memorial. It has quotes, names of local veterans, and information pertaining to each of the country's wars. I would recommend viewing it at least once. We should remember our veterans and war dead more frequently than just on Veteran's Day; without them we would not even have our country or the freedoms we enjoy.

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