Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Federalist No. 7

by Allison Jones
17 November 1787, Alexander Hamilton continues the argument for union from safety.  This paper addresses the reasons the states, if separate, would have for going to war with each other.  They are “precisely the same inducements, which have, at different times, deluged in blood all the nations in the world.”

Businesses invited to market to off-campus housing

Rexburg, IDAHO— Rexburg Area Chamber of Commerce – BYU-Idaho Off-Campus Housing Association Partners Program Announces Meeting

When: Friday, June 8, 2012 at 10:30 am

Where: Chamber Conference Room – 127 E Main

Who: All businesses in the Rexburg area are invited to attend

Merchants will be given an opportunity through the Rexburg Chamber to market goods and services directly to the owners/managers of off-campus housing.

RSVP to 356-5700 or email wendy@rexburgchamber.com

International Dance Festival Fundraiser


When:  Saturday, July 14 7:30am - 10:30am

Where:  Applebee's Restaurant, Rexburg

What:  Fundraiser for the Idaho International Dance and Music Festival

Why:  The Idaho International Dance and Music Festival will be here soon.  We are looking for great host families and would like to invite anyone interested to give us a call at 356-5700.

Who:  Teams from around the world include:  France, Japan, Indonesia, Poland, Serbia, Togo, Russia, and the USA!

Tickets are $7 - To purchase tickets for the Pancake Breakfast, call or stop by the Rexburg Area Chamber of Commerce, 127 E. Main St., Rexburg

Contact Donna Benfield 356-5700 or Wendy Walker at 356-5700

East Idaho Tours Ribbon Cutting

Rexburg, IDAHO— East Idaho Tours Ribbon Cutting

Tuesday, June 5, 2012 – 11:30 am – Chamber Conference Room

East Idaho Tours is excited to announce that they are open for the season and are currently filling seats!  Surprisingly, so many people in Rexburg have not been to Yellowstone or Teton National Parks, and most that have would like to go again.  East Idaho Tours’ goal, from the beginning, has been to make the trip into this beautiful area so much more affordable and enjoyable.

Namaste Spa Ribbon Cutting

Rexburg, IDAHO— Namaste’ Wellness Spa & Salon Ribbon Cutting & Grand Opening

“Namaste’” is a word that originates from India and means “The spirit in me honors the spirit in you”. Namaste’ Wellness Spa & Salon offers a unique beauty concept which encompasses beauty in its entirety.  Namaste’ is a concept hybrid of a medical spa, high end salon, and wellness facility whose mission is “To help people discover their outer manifestation of inner beauty”.  Open since May 1st and located upstairs in Hemming Village, Rexburg, Namaste’ has been enjoying a warm welcome from the community.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Federalist No. 6

by Allison Jones

In this letter, published 14 November 1787, Alexander Hamilton takes over the argument for unity from John Jay.  In this and the next paper Hamilton focuses on the dangers presented by conflict between states that are not united by a common government.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Craze Fun Zone Ribbon Cutting Tomorrow

Rexburg Area Chamber
Ribbon Cutting
Craze Fun Zone Kiddie Jungle  
Saturday May 19, 2012
10:30 am
Craze Fun Zone
30 College Ave
Public Invited!There will be a Free Magician at 11am for the Kids.
RSVP 356-5700 or info@rexburgchamber.com

Welcome Independence Day!!

The Rexburg Area Chamber of Commerce had the opportunity to receive input from hundreds of Rexburg residents through a petition brought to the board at one of its regular scheduled meetings.  The request from those listed on the petition was to change the name of the 4th of July celebration from Whoopee Days to Independence Day.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Rexburg Area Chamber of Commerce Breakfast

The Rexburg Area Chamber of Commerce would like to announce a new benefit for all Chamber members starting June 1, 2012. Archibald Insurance now offers dental and vision insurance for all members at a discounted rate through Healthy Choices Benefit Plans.

We will be holding a free breakfast on May 23, 2012 in the Rexburg Area Chamber of Commerce conference room to explain the details of the plan and how it will benefit the chamber members. It will begin at 7:45 a.m. and run until 8:45 a.m. A company representative will be at the meeting to answer any questions. Please take the opportunity to join us for a free breakfast and learn more about what a great benefit this will be.

We will be giving away a new Kindle Fire to one lucky attendee!

Please RSVP if you plan to attend by calling the Rexburg Chamber at 208.356.5700. or emailing us at wendy@rexburgchamber.com

We look forward to a great event and hope to see you all there. If you are not a member, please come have fun and learn how we can better serve you. We will be offering discounted rates for new chamber memberships!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Analyzing for Forgery

By Allison Jones

Leap of Faith by Bob Bennett, US Senator from Utah, takes a look at the Book of Mormon from the perspective of someone who has dealt with forgeries before.  While not a scholar himself, Bennett says he is still capable of “weighing the arguments of those who are.”

In the beginning Bennett goes over some forgery cases that he has intimate knowledge of and how it was discovered that the documents were fake.  From these case studies seven traits of or clues left in forgeries are derived.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Federalist No. 5

by Allison Jones
In the 10 November 1787 paper, John Jay continues the argument that “weakness and divisions at home, would invite dangers from abroad; and that nothing would tend more to secure us from them than Union, strength, and good Government within ourselves.”

This paper; however, focuses on the examples from history instead of theory.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Paparazzi Ribbon Cutting Press Release

Rexburg, IDAHO— Paparazzi will be having a ribbon cutting Wednesday May 9, 2012 in the Chamber Conference Room at 10:30 am.

Paparazzi Accessories started in 2008 with one lady and her dream of selling jewelry and fashion accessories and grew into the direct sales company it is today. Starting just before one of the biggest crashes on Wall Street and the worst recession in the USA since the great depression, Paparazzi not only survived but grew rapidly. When friends and family began to lose jobs, homes, and retirement pensions Paparazzi became a way to help them earn money to “pay the bills.” Paparazzi has never pushed or encouraged people to become consultants. The product itself and the exciting opportunity it provides are all that has been needed to spark a desire in people to become involved and share with their friends and family. As the success of our first consultants increased and their enthusiasm for the product grew, a push to expand the business began. Having never been involved in the direct sales industry, Paparazzi wanted to see if this opportunity was for the masses. Within six months, Paparazzi had grown by over 900 percent. This growth continues today, as people decide the American dream is for them, and not just the lucky few.

I sell necklaces, earrings, bracelets, rings, headbands, and hair clips for $5 as well as little girl earrings, bracelets, and rings for $1 and $2 each. There is something for everyone and affordable on any budget. I mostly do home parties which are held open house style, as well as doing events like craft fairs. Every party, event, and consultant has something new and different to offer so you aren’t seeing the same thing every time. I love working for this company and the freedom and opportunities it has opened up for me and my family.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

"We cannot allow such callousness to continue unremarked, from the irrational, senseless teenagers who attacked two people just trying to go home, from the police officer whose conduct may have been typical but certainly seems cold, from the tweeting nitwits who think beating a man in Norfolk will change the death of Trayvon Martin."

Candidate Forum Tomorrow

Meet the State Legislative Candidates Forum
Tomorrow May 2, 2012 at 12pm at the Rexburg Tabernacle, 51 N Center.
Brent Hill-REP
Lary S. Larson-DEM
David Pulsipher-IND
Douglas A. Hancey Jr.-REP
Bill Hunter-REP
Harold R. Jones-REP
John K. Baird-REP
Dell Raybould-REP
Dan Roberts-REP
Reminder there is No Lunch.
Public is Invited.
See you there!
-From the Rexburg Area Chamber of Commerce