Friday, May 18, 2012

Welcome Independence Day!!

The Rexburg Area Chamber of Commerce had the opportunity to receive input from hundreds of Rexburg residents through a petition brought to the board at one of its regular scheduled meetings.  The request from those listed on the petition was to change the name of the 4th of July celebration from Whoopee Days to Independence Day.

After much discussion, the board voted to make the change.  A very patriotic presentation of our country’s history, founding fathers, and freedom was the determining factor.  

“In the end, the board felt that in view of all those who have sacrificed so much for our country, that showing respect for them was the most important point to be made at this particular time of year while at the same time preserving some of the history and heritage of our community,” stated Brad Wolf, Chamber President.

There will; however, be two events that will retain the Whoopee Days reference and that is the rodeo and the golf tournament.  The theme for the parade this year will be “Education- the Foundation of Freedom.”  The grand marshal will be “Teachers”, those who provide our youth with the education which is the foundation of freedom.

“It was a very emotional and heated discussion,” stated Donna Benfield, Executive Director of the Rexburg Area Chamber of Commerce.  “There were several who felt strongly that we should keep the longstanding tradition.”

I like to thank all the signers of the petition and those who helped me with this project.  Thank you, Chamber of Commerce for honoring the petition.

Now, our next goal should be to make the parade a truly patriotic event, one which honors those who fought so hard to give us FREEDOM!!

Niny Christensen
Rexburg, Idaho

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